A lot of it has had to do with my relationships with friends. I have had quite a few people turn their backs on me since I made the decision I did. What matters is that I am absolutely happy about it. I don't need to answer to anyone else. There has also been WAY TOO MUCH talk about me and my marriage and the only word that come to mind are hurt and betrayed. Too many judgements and speculations thrown out and no one understands and knows everything on how I feel and such. I just wish I had more support. I am lucky to have three good friends that I have spent a lot of time with lately who are happy for me.
Funny story about that is that one of them is someone I have known since I was living in Oregon back in the early 2000's. One of my friends dated this guy and we ended up having a mutual friend here and a big group went to dinner and we are back in contact again. It's funny because he owns the 7-11 by my apt and so I always go over there and help out. I stock the shelves and the cooler and ring customers up. But I get slurpees, donuts and taquitos (this is the emotional eater talking) and so it is worth it.... haha Oh yeah. I can't forget all the packs of gum. And I get to be the first to try all the new flavors. Let me recommend a new fave. Its the stride flavor changing from citrus to mint.... mmmmm!!!!!
So yeah. If I am not at work I am at the 7-11. I am getting ready to move too. I had a phone interview yesterday that went very well. Now all I need to do is get down there. So... I am leaving Sunday morning. Hopefully (cross your fingers) we can get a cheap ticket to fly Giovanny out here Saturday. I am having a little shindig that night and then leaving soon after.
I have loved Utah... even few snow days. I have had lots of good memories and fun times with people. It's all about to come to a quick close. I am excited for the new chapter that lies ahead. We will see what the future holds for me in Texas.
Have a great one and I will update again soon!